A few years ago I knew of an elder in his 50's who married a pioneer sister in her 70's. They ended up taking care of her 95 year old mother.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i understand that marriages between an older man and a much younger woman are a fact of jw life.
the reasons i have seen include the lack of an available prospect, of the fact that the older man has some power in the congregation and therefore marrying him is something like an advantage.
i wonder what the advantage can be, and i would appreciate any light on this (new or old).. but, how often does a younger man marry an older woman?
A few years ago I knew of an elder in his 50's who married a pioneer sister in her 70's. They ended up taking care of her 95 year old mother.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
an elder once told me "that if the spiritual food he recieves is wrong, and he follows it ,jehovah will not hold him accountable".
all through out the bible it incourages a person to test, ask and seek, and to make sure of all things, so how can he not be accountable ?.
what is the best scripture that would show him that he's accountable for what he recieves.
commentary on mp3s: (in addition to circulate as you see fit!).
in light of the wts's recent attempts to conceal it's talks from broader inspection and documentation, mp3s to the public are now mostly the works of the 'conscious class' and those exjws who force themselves to endure hours upon hours of control-laced presentations.
kudos to all those who embody anonymous.
if your avatar could have a voice, (for the days when computers routinely read out posts audibly).
whose voice would you choose?.
a poster here thinks my avatar would speak with the mellifluous sexy "mel gibson baritone".
bloodguilt a doctrine that really annoyed me when i was in.
like i was responsible for who jehovah destroyed..
144,000 being a literal number of annointed Christians who are selected to go to heaven.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i hear the arguement that life could not come about, as pure accident or without divine intervention.
told that such a thing is too complex to happen on it's own, that it requires a divine intervention.
while i am neither a extreme believer of evolution, there is proof and here it is ... that pure chaos can happen by chance.. i have these keys, about six attached on two link rings.
This happened to me before too!! So then, can this be considered as "chaos duplicating itself"?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
can anyone please give me some basic tips on how to post pictures on here ????.
another thing thats driving me mad is not being able to figure out how to quote in a box???.
loz x.
In your 'Post a reply ...' box below, click on the spot where you want the quote to be placed and then drop down the Drop Down menu box that normally says <Styles> to show <Quote>. Click this and a quote box will be inserted into which you can right click > paste the text you previously copied to the clipboard.
Thanks! I was always wondering how.
so one of the elders called asking for my time.
i lied, somewhat.
yes i did talk to people about the "truth" but not in favourable terms.. has anyone simply stated, "i have not been in service this month"?
When the elders call you for your field service report, have him read Matthew 6:3,4 and say that you are using your Bible trained conscience in following the words of Jesus Christ in NOT turning in any report.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
its hard to beleave that no one seems to have a full convention available.
usually there all over the place.
if anyone knows where to look please let me know.
Still within the first month of the convention season. I think that it will last until late August/early September. They'll be available soon as time goes on.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
name some posters you haven't heard from in awhile and wondered what happened to them.. whatever happened to...........?.